
Sunday, July 10, 2011

SUNDAY'S OBITUARY - Patrick O'Donnell

Patrick O'Donnell was my great-great-Grandfather. His grandson, John Huber O'Donnell (1905-1964), was my grandfather - the father of my Mom. This obituary was published in the Henry County Local (Kentucky), June 1911.

Pat O'Donald
Patrick O'Donnell (in window)
Daughters Ella & Josie, unidentified boy
Jericho, Henry County, Kentucky
ca. 1905-1911
"This good man, the last of seven brothers, was born in Ireland, January 23, 1823. He and Honorable John D. Carroll's father were school mates in Ireland and came to this country together in young manhood and remained steadfast friends through life. Mr. O'Donald became a recognized citizen of the United States July 27, 1854, his papers being signed at New Castle by O. P. Thomas. He took up his residence in Jericho, April 12, 1854 and spent the remainder of his life here, having passed the 87 mile-stone.
He married Miss Bridget Kennedy, June 27, 1856. She died February 18, 1883, leaving to a father's care and training seven children, a son, John and daughters, Mrs. Maggie Hayden, Pewee Valley, Mrs. Mollie Kennely, Mrs. Alice Smith, Mrs. Fannie Delaney, of Louisville, Mrs. Ella Jackson and Miss Josie O'Donald, of Jericho.
His six brothers, John, James, Thomas, William, Richard and Edward, also came with him to this country. He and these brothers helped to grade the L & N road from Louisville to Lexington and laid the first steel rails on this line and were efficient section bosses at various points along the line.
Mr. O'Donald became an invalid August 5, 1905, and had been confined to a chair until his spirit took its flight being released from the body June 5, 1911, Pentecost Monday. He indeed died the death of a saint, falling as calmly to sleep as could a babe in its Mother's arms. He had faithfully served God through a lifetime, trying to build a character akin to St. Paul and had won a reputation for integrity and square dealing."

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